3 Best Lippincott apps for Android (Medical)

Following is our list of the best lippincott apps for Android. Trusted developers like Lippincott Williams Wilkins and Skyscape Medpresso Inc are known to create software that in theory will improve wellbeing and health. After extensive testing we've concluded that the best apps include Lippincott Procedures, LIPPINCOTT Q&A REVIEW FOR NCLEX-RN®, Lippincott Nursing Advisor, .

1 Lippincott Procedures

Access Lippincott Procedures current clinical information!

The Lippincott Procedures app allows you to access your facility's procedure manual on your tablet or phone. You can download the app for free, but you need a subscription to use it. The app provides offline and online access to your facility's specific content, including notes and custom procedures. It also includes procedures, checklists, images, and video clips. You can easily search for specific titles and access assigned skills competency tests. The app is great for backup during internet outages or for staff without reliable internet access. It requires periodic online connection for subscription verification and content updates.

Lippincott Procedures
Lippincott Procedures
Price: Free
Android Rating:
3.5 ★★★★☆


5000+ Questions with Rationale.

The LIPPINCOTT Q&A REVIEW FOR NCLEX-RN® app is a study tool designed to help nursing students prepare for the NCLEX exam. It can be used anytime and anywhere without an internet connection. The app features different modes such as Study Mode, Create Quiz, Time Mode, and QOD to facilitate learning and improve speed. It also provides stats on mastered topics and allows users to bookmark and skip questions. The app is based on the bestselling book Lippincott Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN® and includes over 5,000 high-level questions that align with the test plan. It offers detailed rationales for correct and incorrect answers, study tips, and a self-analysis grid to track progress. The app has been updated to include tests of varying lengths, pharmacology and management of care questions, and additional questions about older adults. It adheres to the NCLEX-RN 2016 test plan and includes questions formulated based on nursing actions frequency. It also provides information on test preparation and study plans. The app can backup stats to a cloud server and restore them on a different device.

Price: Free
Android Rating:
4.7 ★★★★★

3 Lippincott Nursing Advisor

Get answers fast! Diseases, Diagnostic Tests, Treatments, and Signs & Symptoms.

The Lippincott Nursing Advisor app is a reliable source for clinicians to quickly find answers to their care-related questions. It is written by nurses for nurses and provides evidence-based, clinical entries that are continuously updated. The app covers diseases & conditions, diagnostic tests, treatments, and signs & symptoms. It also has a powerful search function that allows users to search by keyword or category and customize their notes. The app is available for individual users through a subscription and institutional users can access it through their hospital or facility. There is also a free sample version available for download. The app provides fast and expert answers right at your fingertips.

Lippincott Nursing Advisor
Lippincott Nursing Advisor
Price: Free
Android Rating:
3.2 ★★★★☆

NOTE: Every APK file is manually reviewed by the AndroidMedical team before being posted to the site.