IMAIOS Dicom Viewer

IMAIOS Dicom Viewer

Price: Free
4.0 ★★★★☆

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What is IMAIOS Dicom Viewer?

IMAIOS Dicom Viewer is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of imaios and dicom. IDV is an application for viewing DICOM on Android.. IMAIOS SAS created IMAIOS Dicom Viewer to meet the need for Imaios apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars, its latest IMAIOS Dicom Viewer apk is from Wednesday 4th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.

IMAIOS Dicom Viewer description

The IMAIOS Dicom Viewer app for Android allows you to view medical images on your device. It supports all types of DICOM files, including ultrasound, scanner, MRI, and PET scans. The app is easy to use and has fast and intuitive tools. You can open files stored on your device or access them online for quick viewing. The app ensures the safety and security of personal health information by not uploading data on the network, except for sharing features. It is completely free for personal and non-commercial use and can also be accessed online on the IMAIOS website. However, it is important to note that the app has not been tested or certified for clinical use and cannot be used for primary diagnosis in medical imaging.

Download IMAIOS Dicom Viewer

We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that IMAIOS Dicom Viewer is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.

Download IMAIOS Dicom Viewer from Google Play Store