

Price: $14.99
3.8 ★★★★☆

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What is Critical?

Critical is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of critical and medical. Medical Guide, Comprehensive, robust and sleek, and the best-selling app in its class!. The Barringer Group, LLC created Critical to meet the need for Critical apps in medicine. With an average rating of 3.8 out of 5 stars, its latest Critical apk is from Wednesday 4th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.

Critical description

The Critical app for Android has been improved based on user feedback. The app now has a better user interface (UI) and new features. Bugs have been fixed and the app now includes a nice iPad version. The EC135 tank section has been updated, and a conversion factor can be changed. The app also adds the Bell 407 to its list and includes new calculators and layouts. The Peds section has a widget for CPR, and the app's UI has been improved in various areas such as ABG, drips, and pharmacology. There are also speed improvements, major UI changes, small bug fixes, and more. Users are encouraged to try the app and provide feedback.

Download Critical

We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that Critical is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.

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