

Price: Free
4.1 ★★★★★

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What is AnywhereCare?

AnywhereCare is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of anywherecare and face-to-face. Have a face-to-face interaction with your doctor from your device!. iSalus, LLC created AnywhereCare to meet the need for Anywherecare apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, its latest AnywhereCare apk is from Wednesday 4th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.

AnywhereCare description

AnywhereCare is a free telehealth app for Android devices that allows you to have face-to-face interactions with your doctor from anywhere. It saves you time by eliminating the need to wait in a waiting room. You can schedule a telehealth appointment with your doctor and then use the app to connect with them when it's time. The app is useful for non-serious illnesses like cold, flu, and rashes, and the doctor can even prescribe medication if needed. With AnywhereCare, you can receive the same quality care as an in-person appointment, but in a more convenient location.

AnywhereCare features

  • Download the AnywhereCare app.
  • When you need to see your doctor, call their office and set up the telehealth appointment.
  • You’ll receive notification when the doctor is ready for your scheduled appointment to begin.
  • Open your AnywhereCare App and the doctor will be able to see and treat you for non-serious illnesses such as cold, flu, sore throat, medication refills, rashes and more.

Download AnywhereCare

We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that AnywhereCare is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.

Download AnywhereCare from Google Play Store